AL Guevara.
I got back to Tucson again in late 2009, back from working for nonprofit, International Sonoran Desert Alliance. Great organization helping an impoverished town come back to life. They do it with FUN and FAMILIES in mind at ISDA. I was taking ownership of their 25 computer network, and 4 website’s. I grew bored in town of only 3000 people, and wanted back in The Olde Pueblo. Ajo was my 1 SMALL TOWN experiment.
In AZ, by way of Reno Nevada, one horrible, unforgettable year in Phoenix in 90-91, then Tucson’s for my 1st time in 91. Prescott for 6 years in 94,(what a nice place that was), then back to Tucson in 2K. I like Tucson.
I began my computer career in Prescott 1997, with a small computer repair
business for 3 years, then moved back to Tucson in 2000, when I began doing Website, Seo and PPC work also, dabbling in Ebay work in the side.
I am back in the wonderful Sam Hughes neighborhood. I’m volunteering as webmaster, and get to live in this “so nice” a neighborhood.